about this project...

This whole thing started when I decided to do a 365 project in January of 2011 (one photo a day for a year). But then my camera broke. And that's kind of funny because it had finally occurred to me that you can't plan life. So I stopped seeking out photos to take and started living a little more. And I got back into volleyball, and I planned a trip to Tuscany and I took an Italian class. And I reconnected with old friends, made some new ones, jumped out of a plane, decided to play softball for the summer and discovered that I like to drink tequila and, hell, I even moved into Manhattan! And then the time was right so I bought a NEW camera to take some new photos with, and I'll share them with you here. So, welcome to my non-project. Or, as I like to call it, life.

13 January 2012

i {heart} nyc

This stunning view never gets old.  Taken this morning from my living room window (standing on the ledge of course, with the window down from the top!). I can't wait to go to the Empire State Building in a couple of days (for the first time ever) to see if I can capture the exact opposite view... looking at the EV from the top of the ESB!

05 December 2011

that bridge on the west coast

went for a december stroll at chrissy field with some friends, here's what transpired :)

13 November 2011


great friends of mine, celebrating their happy engagement.  new york city skyline backdrop.

09 October 2011

a is for apple. and autumn.

It goes without saying, fall is my favorite season.  I love it when I get to do super autumny things, like going apple picking.  We had an extra hot day for October (80+ degrees), but it was a beautiful day to spend outside.  Here's my fav shot from the day:

28 September 2011

another year in the books

another one bites the dust! had an amazing day with friends, and got what i think could be the coolest birthday card in all my life.  assembly required. see below...

27 September 2011

Cooper Square Light Post Decor

 the latest design development in Cooper Square, NYC. i love me some orange street art!

31 August 2011

goodnight august

the view from my apartment never gets old.  there hasn't been a single night that i haven't peeked out the window at least once before going to bed... can you blame me?

28 August 2011


Despite being completely exhausted from biking nearly 200 miles (and drinking around 5 gallons of wine, and 2 of limoncello...) in 5 days, Lindsay and I spent two extra nights in Florence after our DuVine Adventure.  Of course our travels are focused on food and wine, so I didn't quite get over to see Michelangelo's David, but we did have some fabulous pizza!  Just the icing on the cake to these fantastic views...

Here's a look at Florence through my lens.

I may or may not have been hanging off of a ledge with Lindsay holding my legs to get this shot...

those blurry ghost-like figures are Chris and Lindsay, as we went for a stroll through town

love the flags peppering this view....