about this project...

This whole thing started when I decided to do a 365 project in January of 2011 (one photo a day for a year). But then my camera broke. And that's kind of funny because it had finally occurred to me that you can't plan life. So I stopped seeking out photos to take and started living a little more. And I got back into volleyball, and I planned a trip to Tuscany and I took an Italian class. And I reconnected with old friends, made some new ones, jumped out of a plane, decided to play softball for the summer and discovered that I like to drink tequila and, hell, I even moved into Manhattan! And then the time was right so I bought a NEW camera to take some new photos with, and I'll share them with you here. So, welcome to my non-project. Or, as I like to call it, life.

28 August 2011


Despite being completely exhausted from biking nearly 200 miles (and drinking around 5 gallons of wine, and 2 of limoncello...) in 5 days, Lindsay and I spent two extra nights in Florence after our DuVine Adventure.  Of course our travels are focused on food and wine, so I didn't quite get over to see Michelangelo's David, but we did have some fabulous pizza!  Just the icing on the cake to these fantastic views...

Here's a look at Florence through my lens.

I may or may not have been hanging off of a ledge with Lindsay holding my legs to get this shot...

those blurry ghost-like figures are Chris and Lindsay, as we went for a stroll through town

love the flags peppering this view....


  1. love love love these photos! omgeee totally makes me reminisce! so glad you girls had a great trip!!!

  2. was the greatest trip of all time! of course traveling by bus to FUVB games back in the day come in at a distant second...


leave me some love!